ImageGallery通常是用GridView来实现的,能够左右滑动。本样例实现的控件直接继承一个ViewGroup,对其回调函数如 onTouchEvent、onInterceptTouchEvent、computeScroll等进行重载。弄懂该代码。对Android touch的认识将会更深一层。
VelocityTracker:用于对触摸点的速度跟踪,方便获取触摸点的速度。 使用方法:一般在onTouchEvent事件中被调用。先在down事件中获取一个VecolityTracker对象,然后在move或up事件中获取速度,调用流程可例如以下列所看到的:
VelocityTracker vTracker = null;@Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event){ int action = event.getAction(); switch(action){ case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: if(vTracker == null){ vTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain(); }else{ vTracker.clear(); } vTracker.addMovement(event); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: vTracker.addMovement(event); //设置单位,1000 表示每秒多少像素(pix/second),1代表每微秒多少像素(pix/millisecond)。 vTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000); //从左向右划返回正数,从右向左划返回负数 System.out.println("the x velocity is "+vTracker.getXVelocity()); //从上往下划返回正数,从下往上划返回负数 System.out.println("the y velocity is "+vTracker.getYVelocity()); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: vTracker.recycle(); break; } return true; }
/** * Called by a parent to request that a child update its values for mScrollX * and mScrollY if necessary. This will typically be done if the child is * animating a scroll using a {@link android.widget.Scroller Scroller} * object. */public void computeScroll(){}parentView在绘制式。会调用dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas),该函数会调用ViewGroup中的每一个子view的boolean draw(Canvas canvas, ViewGroup parent, long drawingTime),用户绘制View,此函数在绘制View的过程中会调用computeScroll() 以下给出一段代码:
@Overridepublic void computeScroll() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Log.e(TAG, "computeScroll"); if (mScroller.computeScrollOffset()) { //or !mScroller.isFinished() Log.e(TAG, mScroller.getCurrX() + "======" + mScroller.getCurrY()); scrollTo(mScroller.getCurrX(), mScroller.getCurrY()); Log.e(TAG, "### getleft is " + getLeft() + " ### getRight is " + getRight()); postInvalidate(); } else Log.i(TAG, "have done the scoller -----");}这段代码在滑动view之前先调用mScroller.computeScrollOffset()来推断滑动动画是否已结束。computerScrollerOffset()的源码例如以下:
/** * Call this when you want to know the new location. If it returns true, * the animation is not yet finished. */ public boolean computeScrollOffset() { if (mFinished) { return false; } //滑动已经持续的时间 int timePassed = (int)(AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis() - mStartTime); //若在规定时间还未用完,则继续设置新的滑动位置mCurrX和mCurry if (timePassed < mDuration) { switch (mMode) { case SCROLL_MODE: float x = timePassed * mDurationReciprocal; if (mInterpolator == null) x = viscousFluid(x); else x = mInterpolator.getInterpolation(x); mCurrX = mStartX + Math.round(x * mDeltaX); mCurrY = mStartY + Math.round(x * mDeltaY); break; case FLING_MODE: final float t = (float) timePassed / mDuration; final int index = (int) (NB_SAMPLES * t); float distanceCoef = 1.f; float velocityCoef = 0.f; if (index < NB_SAMPLES) { final float t_inf = (float) index / NB_SAMPLES; final float t_sup = (float) (index + 1) / NB_SAMPLES; final float d_inf = SPLINE_POSITION[index]; final float d_sup = SPLINE_POSITION[index + 1]; velocityCoef = (d_sup - d_inf) / (t_sup - t_inf); distanceCoef = d_inf + (t - t_inf) * velocityCoef; } mCurrVelocity = velocityCoef * mDistance / mDuration * 1000.0f; mCurrX = mStartX + Math.round(distanceCoef * (mFinalX - mStartX)); // Pin to mMinX <= mCurrX <= mMaxX mCurrX = Math.min(mCurrX, mMaxX); mCurrX = Math.max(mCurrX, mMinX); mCurrY = mStartY + Math.round(distanceCoef * (mFinalY - mStartY)); // Pin to mMinY <= mCurrY <= mMaxY mCurrY = Math.min(mCurrY, mMaxY); mCurrY = Math.max(mCurrY, mMinY); if (mCurrX == mFinalX && mCurrY == mFinalY) { mFinished = true; } break; } } else { mCurrX = mFinalX; mCurrY = mFinalY; mFinished = true; } return true;}ViewGroup.computeScroll()被调用时机: 当我们运行ontouch或invalidate()或postInvalidate()都会导致这种方法的运行。
public void moveToRightSide(){ if (curScreen <= 0) { return; } curScreen-- ; Log.i(TAG, "----moveToRightSide---- curScreen " + curScreen); mScroller.startScroll((curScreen + 1) * getWidth(), 0, -getWidth(), 0, 3000); scrollTo(curScreen * getWidth(), 0); invalidate();}上述代码用到了一个函数:void android.widget.Scroller.startScroll(int startX, int startY, int dx, int dy, int duration) 当startScroll运行过程中即在duration时间内,computeScrollOffset 方法会一直返回true,但当动画运行完毕后会返回返加false. 这个函数的源代码例如以下所看到的,主要用于设置滑动參数
/** * Start scrolling by providing a starting point, the distance to travel, * and the duration of the scroll. * * @param startX Starting horizontal scroll offset in pixels. Positive * numbers will scroll the content to the left. * @param startY Starting vertical scroll offset in pixels. Positive numbers * will scroll the content up. * @param dx Horizontal distance to travel. Positive numbers will scroll the * content to the left. * @param dy Vertical distance to travel. Positive numbers will scroll the * content up. * @param duration Duration of the scroll in milliseconds. */public void startScroll(int startX, int startY, int dx, int dy, int duration) { mMode = SCROLL_MODE; mFinished = false; mDuration = duration; mStartTime = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis(); mStartX = startX; mStartY = startY; mFinalX = startX + dx; mFinalY = startY + dy; mDeltaX = dx; mDeltaY = dy; mDurationReciprocal = 1.0f / (float) mDuration;}invalidate()会使得视图重绘,导致parent调用了dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas),然后递归调用child View的draw()函数。该函数又会调用我们定义的computeScroll(), 而这个函数又会调用mScroller.computeScrollOffset()推断动画是否结束。若没结束则继续重绘直到直到startScroll中设置的时间耗尽mScroller.computeScrollOffset()返回false才停下来。 附上完整的实例代码: